
An introduction to Fuzzing: Making a fuzzing-assisted test framework

Introduction Hello there ! Today I will present you an introduction to fuzzing and how you can use it as a developer ! What is fuzzing ? Fuzzing is a technique to find bugs, crashes and vulnerab...

Qualifying at FCSC 2021 - Write Ups

Introduction Hello there ! In April, I participated in the French Cybersecurity Challenge, where I got Top 6 in the junior scoreboard ! Here is two detailed write ups about two challenges I ver...

SHAKTI 2021 : Write Ups

Introduction Hello ! This week I have enrolled in the Shakti CTF with the LSE. We managed to get to the second place ! Here are some Write-Ups from the challenges I solved ! Pwn Birdie: 100pts ...

UTCTF 2021 : Write Up

Introduction Hello and welcome to the functional programming challenge write up from UTCTF 2021. If you are only interested in the exploit code, see here. Scenario This challenge invites you to...

Cobra : Reinforcement Learning Snake

Introduction Welcome to this first blog post! Today, we will be speaking about an AI project I had with Thibault Gaillard, a friend of mine. Being both interested in AI and overall Machine Learn...

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